The Story of Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Join Dr. Ken Connolly as he takes you on location to
the sites in England related to the life and ministry of The
Prince of Preachers.
The Metropolitan Tabernacle in London England, which could
accommodate 7,000 people, was the largest mega-church of the
Victorian age. Its pastor was Charles Haddon Spurgeon,
affectionately known as "The Prince of Preachers."
He preached his first sermon at 16 years of age, in a small
cottage living room, to a few people; and he later addressed over
23,500 in one service. It is estimated that he preached to more than
10 million people, in 38 years of ministry, before the invention of
radios or microphones.
He built a Bible School that graduated over 900 students while he
was living, and it is still going strong today. He had 66 separate
organizations in the church, working under his direction; and many
other ministries outside the premises.
He wrote over 140 separate books, three of which sold over a
million copies while he has still living. One of these publications
was a 25 year compilation of 3,561 sermons, a collection bound in 63
volumes. Beside these writings, he often wrote as many as 500
letters a week, before there was a typewriter.
He was a strong defender of the faith, whose convictions had him
ousted from the Convention, but the stigma did not diminish his
popularity. He accomplished this in spite of a physical handicap
that caused him severe pain and deep depression. Like David, "he
served his own generation by the will of God" [Acts 13:36].
Includes one
volume on VHS tape - 56 minutes
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